Daniel Dorman, MD


A Humanistic Approach to Psychiatry

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New Perspectives on Mental Health

The way we think about mental illness has to change. Daniel Dorman, MD, argues that mental struggles are not diseases of the brain, but natural consequences of the evolution of consciousness and imagination. This signals an important shift in the way we need to think about illness, emotionality, and development. Ultimately, this way of thinking brings hope to people struggling with mental distress.

Dorman's book, "Dante's Cure: A Journey Out of Madness" was published by Other Press in 2004. It chronicles his treatment of a 19-year-old schizophrenic and anorexic woman named Catherine. During this treatment, he prescribed no medication. Instead, he undertook what would become seven years of six-day-a-week therapy to see her through to recovery.

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